Rules for writing a CV (resume) – How to write it?

Respond to the employer’s needs included in the offer

A professional CV should be built in such a way that the employer finds the information that interests him the most. How do you know what is important to the employer? Analyze the internship/job offer you want to apply for. In it, you will find information about who the employer is looking for. Read carefully the section in which the employer has placed requirements for candidates. Do they match your skills? If so, do not forget to mention in your CV that you have them.

Don’t include more information than necessary

Remember that the purpose of submitting your CV to the Employer is to receive a job offer. The recruiter to whom you send your CV will have less than half a minute to read the information contained in the document. Try to make important information visible to him. Point out or underline the most important information, write specifically.

Show off your strengths

One of the principles of CV preparation is the principle of uniqueness. Show the employer how special you are and what makes you stand out from other candidates. Maybe you have interesting interests, you took part in a survival camp, you were a class president, or maybe you participated in a school competition and won the main prize? Write about it. For the employer, the fact that you like to spend time actively is a sign that as an employee you will also develop and willingly learn new things.

Remember the correct order

Remember to use reverse chronology in your CV, i.e. start with the most recent information. If you are a first-year student, in the education section, start with this information and only then go to the secondary school you recently graduated from.

Always provide true information

By writing untrue information, you expose yourself to an unpleasant situation when your lie will be discovered by the Employer, which means that you will not receive your dream job offer. Even if you really care about your job, but you do not meet all the employer’s requirements, lying will not be a good solution. Write the truth.

Photo in CV – to add or not?

There is no unequivocal answer to this question. Remember that a lot depends on the job offer you are applying for. If it states that only applications with a photo will be considered, do not forget to include it in your CV. However, before you do that, make sure the photo is appropriate.

How long should a CV be?

The length of your CV depends on your professional experience. If you are just starting your adventure in the labour market, you can safely limit yourself to one page. During your professional career, you will add more points, which will certainly increase the volume of your CV. When you decide that your several years of experience no longer fit on one page, you can expand your document to two pages. Remember, however, not to lead to a situation where there is only one sentence on the second page, or when the text takes up less than 1/3 of the page. Releasing a blank or nearly blank page is seen as unprofessional.


Opracowano dla: Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki i Zarządzania z siedzibą w Rzeszowie na potrzeby projektu „Uczelnia otwarta dla nastolatków” współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój: oś III Szkolnictwo wyższe dla gospodarki i rozwoju, działanie 3.1. Kompetencje w szkolnictwie wyższym. – zgodnie z obowiązującymi Wytycznymi w zakresie informacji i promocji programów operacyjnych polityki spójności na lata 2014-2020. Numer umowy o dofinansowanie POWR.03.01.00-00-T127/18.