UITM Careers Service

UITM Careers Service was made in Rzeszów in 1990. Our activities focus on helping students and graduates transition from studies to the job search stage.

From the beginning of our existence we are making connections with polish and foreign employers and we disseminate information on the functioning of the national labor market. We implement our mission by organizing training, acquiring and disseminating job offers, conducting initial recruitment on behalf of companies and organizing Podkarpackie Targi Pracy.

In 15th of October 2003 UITM Careers Service was sign to register of employment agencies as an employment agency in the field of job placement in the Republic of Poland and a personnel consulting agency under number 141/1a.

By conducting extensive consulting activities on the labor market, we provide assistance both to students and graduates of the University of Information Technology and Management, as well as to external persons. Helping you plan your future career and find a job is our priority.

Ewa Podgórska

Director of the Human Resources Management Division
Career counselor
+48 17 866 14 44

Agnieszka Cieśla

Head of the Careers Service
Career counselor


Zyta Hosa

Job placement specialist

+48 17 866 14 45

Aleksandra Janusz

Career consultant

+48 17 866 11 55