FAQ on job interview

Could you tell us something about yourself?

You don’t have to recite your entrire life story. Focus on the informations you want to convey to the employer. Tell about your features which may be interesting for the employer from the point of view of the job offer. Support these answers with a brief justification. It is good to prepare 3-4 sentences about yourself, practice them before you go to the interview.

What do you know about our company?

By answering this questions, you will be able to demostrate your knowledge about the company. Briefly describe what you found out about the workplace. What values does the company cherish? Perhaps caring for the natural environment is just as important to you as it is to the company? Tell why you think the company will be the right place for you and what it will gain by hiring you for this position.

What are your three strenghts?

At first glance, the questions seems simple. However, without prior preparation of the answer, it may surprise you so much that you will not mention a single advantage. When answering, indicate your three advantages which will be helpful in performing your future duties. If you are an urgent, responsible and punctual person, confirm it with appriopriate arguments. Describe situations ich which you used these features.

What are your weaknesses?

List those character traits that will not affect the quality of your duties. Is there anything you don’t like about yourself that you’re working on and want to improve? Tell the recruiter about it. We all have flaws and he/she knows it. Show that you know your weaknesses but you are trying to work on it. Avoid answers like being lazy or leaving everything to the last minute. The employer will perceive it negatively and will assume that you will approach your professional duties in the same way.

Why should we choose you?

In answering this questions focus on the benefits that the employer will obtain by employing you. Think about what sets you apart from the candidates. Have you been awarded in an art competition? Do you take part in sports competitions and achieve high results? By talking about it, you will confirm that you are persistent in your resolutions and that you are not afraid of hard work to achieve your goal. Emphasize in your answer that by employing you, the employer will gain a responsible, committed employee who will perform his work thoroughly and conscientiously.

What are your plans for the next 5 years?

In answering this question, it is worth focusing on issues related to professional development. What do you want to achieve in the position you are applying for? How do you want to deepen your knowledge and develop your skills to become an even better employee? Remember not to come up with unrealistic goals, an ill-considered answer may make the employer not take you seriously. Also, watch out for the bold statement that in five years you want to take the position of the head of a given department or president of the company you are applying for. Altough this is an ambitious plan, it may be perceived negatively by the employer.

How do you prepare for important exams?

In response to this question, the employer will look for information on how you treat serious commitments. Will you start preparing for the meeting with the client 5 minutes before, or will you start earlier in order to the better prepared for possible negotiations. Tell exactly, what the preparation process look like? Do you work from your own notes or do you use other aids to supplement your knowledge?

How much would you like to earn?

Prepare well for this question. Before you start negotiating your salary, check the reports available on the market how much people working in the position you are applying for earn. Also find out what the national minimum wage for a full-time job is. In addition to market data, take into account the amount of remuneration that will be appropriate for you to pay for all financial obligations, add to your statement also the costs of food and the amount you spend on pleasure. Before you start negotiations, write down your strenghts and real benefits that the employer will have from employing you.

During the conversation, you can give the salary range, but you should remember that it should not to be too wide, i.e. do not offer the employer a range of PLN 2,000 to 5,000. The difference in salarywill be too high and the employer will think that you do not know how much you want to earn. It is also important whether you enter the net or gross amount.

What questions do you have for us?

After finishing asking questions, the employer may ask what you want to know about the company, position or scope of duties. If nor already mentioned, you can ask for details about your position, when a decision on the selection of the candidate will be made and whether you can expect an answer even if it is negative. Asking questions to the employer is perceived as interest on the offer, but it is important that the questions are balanced and cultured.


Other questions during an interview:

➡️ Why do you want to change your job? Why do you want to work with us?

➡️ What motivates you to work?

➡️ How was the ccoperation with previous superiors?

➡️ Who do you like to work with? Do you work effectively in a team?

➡️ What makes you different from other candidates?

➡️ What would be the ideal company for you? What would be the ideal superior for you?

➡️ Why did you decide to respond to our job offer?

➡️ Why should we hire you?

➡️ What did you like most about your previous job?

➡️ What do you consider your greatest success? What is your greatest professional achievement?