How to write a cover letter?

A cover letter should motivate the employer to consider your application positively and invite you for an interview. So make sure that the information in your cover letter corresponds to the needs of the employer. Remember that the cover letter is a formal document addressed to your potential employer. Therefore, it should contain elements of an official letter, i.e. your name, contact details, city and date of its creation. The letter should be addressed to the appropriate person or department dealing with recruitment in a given company. Use formal language. Don’t use abbreviations or slang. Write in your own words and do not copy letters available on the Internet.


In the first paragraph, inform the employer for what position you are applying for and how you know that recruitment is underway. If you found an offer on the website, you can link it. Many companies conduct several recruitment processes at the same time, therefore the information about which offer you are responding to will help you match your candidacy to the position you are applying for.


In the next paragraph, describe why you are the right candidate for this position. This is where you can expand on the information in your CV. If you were a member of the student council in high school and took part in organizing a school trip, describe it. Indicate the duties you performed and what impact you had on the course of the entire process. Prove to the employer that these tasks allowed you to gain knowledge and experience that you will use in your new workplace. However, remember not to rewrite exactly what you wrote in your CV. The cover letter allows you to supplement the information in the Curriculum Vitae. Repeating exactly the same thing can be considered unprofessional. In your cover letter, pay attention to what the employer will gain by choosing you over other candidates. What skills and experience do you have that can distinguish you from other people involved in this recruitment process? Perhaps you have achieved a success that you want to boast of? Inform your employer. This is your chance to present yourself from the best side.


At the end of the cover letter, thank for taking the time to read your application, and express your hope that you will be invited to an interview during which you will have a chance to present your skills.


Opracowano dla: Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki i Zarządzania z siedzibą w Rzeszowie na potrzeby projektu „Uczelnia otwarta dla nastolatków” współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój: oś III Szkolnictwo wyższe dla gospodarki i rozwoju, działanie 3.1. Kompetencje w szkolnictwie wyższym. – zgodnie z obowiązującymi Wytycznymi w zakresie informacji i promocji programów operacyjnych polityki spójności na lata 2014-2020. Numer umowy o dofinansowanie POWR.03.01.00-00-T127/18.