How and where to look for a job?

It is worth preparing for the job search and acting by the plan. Where to start?

Before you start looking for a job:

1. Decide what you want to do,

2. Think about what interests you,

3. Think about what kind of tasks you like to do,

4. Make a list of your interests,

5. Analyze your experience, acquired skills,

6. List your qualifications, i.e. school/university diplomas, completed courses, training, certificates,

7. Use tools that help you identify your strengths, e.g. professional aptitude tests,

8. Make a list of companies and positions that meet your expectations.

The most effective job search methods:

  • Relatives and friends – start the job search process by informing your relatives and friends about it. Even meet with a group of friends and inform everyone that if they know about an interesting offer, you will be very grateful for information on this subject. It is also worth talking to your friends about employers, i.e. companies where they work or have worked.
  • Recruitment and social networking sites – of course, the largest source of job advertisements is the Internet. You can easily find job portals on the Internet, such as •
  • Career Offices – operate at universities. Career Offices often cooperate with many employers, organize meetings with companies, and provide career counselling.
  • Job fairs – it is worth finding out where and when job fairs are organized. Such an event is a great opportunity to meet up to several dozen employers during one day and to apply for the offers presented by the exhibitors. In Subcarpathia, the Subcarpathian Job Fair is organized once a year in the Podpromie Hall in Rzeszów.
  • Employers’ websites – are a great source of information on the company’s development, and career development opportunities. Often on companies’ websites, there is a “Career” tab, where you can learn more about the recruitment processes carried out in a given company. You can also show initiative by calling the HR department of a given company and asking about vacancies, internships or apprenticeships.


Opracowano dla: Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki i Zarządzania z siedzibą w Rzeszowie na potrzeby projektu „Uczelnia otwarta dla nastolatków” współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój: oś III Szkolnictwo wyższe dla gospodarki i rozwoju, działanie 3.1. Kompetencje w szkolnictwie wyższym. – zgodnie z obowiązującymi Wytycznymi w zakresie informacji i promocji programów operacyjnych polityki spójności na lata 2014-2020. Numer umowy o dofinansowanie POWR.03.01.00-00-T127/18.